We call the NSC communication initiative “Nordic Safari Club – Conservation”. The goal of our efforts is to inform the non-hunting public about the necessity and benefits of sustainable hunting as a tool in wildlife management and practical nature conservation. We try to protect hunting by making the non-hunters understand and accept it.

Nordic Safari Club – Conservation participates in the debate wherever it flares up. We react to attacks on hunting in mainstream media such as newspapers and magazines, online news media, radio and TV shows, and last but not least on social media. We explain hunting with facts and practical examples. We do however do more than simply reacting, when hunting is under fire. We actively try to bring attention to our cause by creating pro-hunting content designed to reach the non-hunting public.

Everything we do is entirely fact-based and we take pride in our civil tone and good manners in the debate.

Our message has reached millions of non-hunters. We have written or contributed to lots of articles in newspapers and magazines in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and the UK. We have participated in radio debates on national radio in Denmark and Sweden. We’ve been in TV-debates on national channels in Denmark, Sweden, the UK, and we’ve reached an international audience online. On top of all that we are reaching hundreds of thousands in our target group on social media – first and foremost on Facebook.

Contact Jens Ulrik Høgh
E-mail: conservation@nordisksafariklub.com
Phone: +45 2092 4027
Facebook: Nordic Safari Club – Conservation